
Key Laboratories

Research  >  Key Laboratories

Laboratory Development

Thanks to over 10 years’ development, a new pattern of “three departments and one center” (Department of Bio-engineering, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Pharmacy and the experiment center) has come into being. Fixed assets of the Center amount to more than 35 million yuan. Now 20 full-time or part-time administrative staff and professional technical teams are working in the experiment center, displaying excellent capabilities in laboratory management, experiment teaching and scientific research. Laboratories dedicated to undergraduate programmes are mainly in No. 6 Teaching Building on Xipu Campus, and those for postgraduate programmes and scientific research in No. 3 Teaching Building on Jiuli Campus.

The Branch of Experiment Center on Xipu Campus is committed to undergraduate programmes of the three Departments of the School and relevant programmes of SWJTU. In 2016, the Center served as the venue for 69 experiment courses, of which 6 are bilingual, for undergraduate programmes (according to the course codes), involving nearly 7,900 undergraduates and 350 classes. Meanwhile, over 200 students prepared their dissertations, had short-term practice, received SRTP (Student Research Training Program) and carried out personalized experiments in the Center.

The Experiment Center is equipped with complicated analysis and test equipment such as Waters Xevo G2-S Tof time-of-light mass spectrometer-ultra high performance liquid chromatograph, PE Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, Waters, Shimadzu and Agilent high performance liquid chromatograph, PE atomic absorption spectroscopy, Agilent gas chromatograph, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) equipment, inversed fluorescent microscope, flow cytometer (FCM) and high-pressure process system. In 2016, the Center was subject to the annual audit by a third party which was entrusted by the University, and completed smoothly the asset inspection. Furthermore, the Center finished the procedures for tender submission and invitation for bid, equipment installation, inspection and acceptance pursuant to the Maintenance, Repair and Purchase Program rolled out by Ministry of Education in 2016. It also successfully completed the defense for a proposed training platform for pharmacy programmes worth 3.2 million yuan. It implemented the maintenance and restoration programs worth 2.6 million yuan, offering strong support for the platform establishment.

The Experiment Center is a significant base for talent development and scientific research. The free access to the resources of labs, the mobility of people studying or working in the labs and the limitation of laboratory rooms highlight the need to tighten the security in labs. In 2016, concentrating on the security of the labs, the Center formulated, amended and revised a series of rules and regulations, and organized lectures for undergraduates and postgraduates to raise their security awareness in the labs. Over 20 tons of waste liquor was disposed through standard procedures, thus eliminating latent hazards. Meanwhile, Safety Directors of the Experiment Center was required to brief on the security conditions via QQ, an internet-based instant messaging platform, every day. Furthermore, the School conducted safety inspection every week and issued notices for further improvement.

The Experiment Center will make full use of resources of laboratories on both Xipu and Jiuli Campus as per the experiment instruction plan and map out the development plan for the laboratories, in an effort to better serve the undergraduate programmes and scientific research.