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The peer mentor system

来源:   发布者:     日期:2020年08月16日 17:05   点击数:  

Theschoolset up 2 longitudinal undergraduate Party branches and 4 lateral graduate Party branches in terms of majors and classes, respectively. By theendofDecember 2017, there were 128studentparty members in theschool, of which 33 were probationary Party members.

The school sent 76 party activists totrainingthroughout the year.Besides, the school hastrained45 members for pre-member developmenttrainingand developed 42 newParty members. Through the formulation of the system of Party members in the school of life science and engineering, excellent party members were selected to lead the work ofParty building. The student Party branches have carried out more than 40 educational and special activities, and 2 special activities of the university-level demonstration Party branch.

The schoolformulateda set of regulatory rules including “Undergraduate Rules and Regulations”, “Ladder Tutorial System”, “Phoneless ClassroomProposals”, revised “Undergraduate Provisional Regulations for Attendance”, “Tutor's Working Manual”. In addition, the school established steering and monitoring groups for the style of study with 16 times study inspections in the construction month and individual studies 5 times per week. In the whole year, the school convened different kinds of class meetings 96 times and 7 round cadre training with a total number of 500 student cadres participated.The school also carried out the sixth “class elite challenge competition” to realize the 100% coverage of the class and the integration of the special Youth League branch with the construction rate of 100%.

The school actively explores the excellent student examples through formulating the "the peer mentor system" and outstanding alumni activities. The school now has 16 peer mentors of year 2016 and 2017. They played leading roles in student affairs. This year, the schoolselected 2 provincial outstanding graduates, 17 university-level outstanding graduates, 1 “Si Shi Yang Hua” excellent student award, 4 advanced classcollectives and 1 excellent&special class collective.