2024年3月30日中午,乔治亚州立大学(Georgia State University)生物系中国学生会((Biology Chinese Student Association, BCSA)举办针对2021级学生的学业申请经验分享会顺利举行,由2020级学生给下一级同学分享了申请研究生、博士的经验。
At the noon of March 30, 2024, the Biology Chinese Student Association (BCSA) at Georgia State University successfully held an academic application experience sharing session for the class of 2021. The session was facilitated by students from the class of 2020 who shared their experiences in applying for graduate and doctoral programs.

西南交通大学-乔治亚州立大学生物工程中外合作办学项目美方负责人Hongmei Zhang老师出席本次活动,交大中美班赴美的2020、2021级全体同学参与了本次活动。
Ms. Hongmei Zhang, the American representative of the Southwest Jiaotong University-Georgia State University Biomedical Engineering Chinese-AmericanCooperative Education Program, attended the event. All students from the Southwest Jiaotong University-Georgia State University joint program who were studying in the United States in the classes of 2020 and 2021 participated in this event.

活动于3月31日下午1点在Student Center West,460,462房间举行,席间,多位学长学姐踊跃分享,2021级的同学们积极提问,最后Hongmei Zhang老师进行总结,并鼓励同学们行动起来进行申请准备。
The event took place on March 31st at 1:00 PM in rooms 460 and 462 of Student Center West. During the session, several senior students enthusiastically shared their experiences, while students from the class of 2021 actively raised questions. Towards the end, Ms. Hongmei Zhang provided a summary and encouraged the students to take action in their application preparations.

After this event, students gained new insights into the process of applying for graduate programs and identified clear directions for their future efforts. They now have a better understanding of what lies ahead and are determined to work hard in the coming days. I wish all students can get offers from their favorite schools and go well with their studies.This sharing session not only reflects the teacher's concern for the students' future learning and personal development, but also shows the good relationship between the students who help each other and are closely connected.

The success of this event would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Executive Committee of the Chinese Students Association of the Department of Biology at Georgia State University. We would like to thank all students for their sharing and efforts, as well as Southwest Jiaotong University and Georgia State University for their generous support.